We are in need of volunteers to assist with our in-line skating program. Our fabulous volunteer coordinator, Keri Blakeney has created a sign up genius for Alien Inline. If you have current security clearance and are available to assist please follow the link and sign up.
Thank you so much for your support!
Calgary Reads seeking gently used books
Calgary Reads is looking for donations for their Annual Big Book Sale. If your family has any gently used books that you could donate, they will have volunteers set up at CrossIron Mills tomorrow amor 10:00am – 5:00pm accepting donations. For more information about other donation sites and dates, please visit the website below!
Volunteer Tea
Dear Volunteers,
Thank you for choosing to be involved in the educational journey of our students and staff, sharing your time, talents and resources to enrich our community. Each act of kindness, each encouraging word, each helping hand, and each smile makes a BIG difference!
If you have helped out in any way during the school year, whether it be at the Hug ‘n Go, accompanying a field trip, reading with students, or helping in the library and classroom, please join us for the:
Royal Oak Volunteer Tea
Friday, June 1st
10:00 AM
The staff and students are eager to show our appreciation for all you do for Royal Oak School!
Please RSVP by May 1st.
Alien In-Line Skating Volunteers
We are in need of volunteers to assist with our in-line skating program. Our fabulous volunteer coordinator, Keri Blakeney has created a sign up genius for Alien Inline. If you have current security clearance and are available to assist please follow the link and sign up.
Thank you so much for your support!
We are in need of volunteers to assist with our in-line skating program. Our fabulous volunteer coordinator, Keri Blakeney has created a sign up genius for Alien Inline. If you have current security clearance and are available to assist please follow the link and sign up.
Thank you so much for your support!
April 26
Today we took advantage of the gorgeous weather and sketched our tree looking for any changes. Some of of noticed that one of the trees has some fuzzy buds at the ends of some of the branches. We then used charcoal to outline and shade our sketches. Ask me about how I enjoyed using charcoal.
1) Volunteer Tea: invitations were sent home yesterday. Please return the RSVP sheet. Thank you to everyone who has supported our school by volunteering in some capacity. We couldn't do it without you.
1) Volunteer Tea: invitations were sent home yesterday. Please return the RSVP sheet. Thank you to everyone who has supported our school by volunteering in some capacity. We couldn't do it without you.
Alien In-line skating
Alien in-line skating starts next week. This is in addition to our regular gym times. Gym will be help outside so please make sure that your child has clothes suitable for the weather and shoes that are suitable for running for the next three weeks.
Our skating dates and times are as follows:
Tuesday, May 1 - 1:05 - 1:50
Wednesday, May 2 - 3:10 - 3:50
Monday, May 7 - 1:05 - 1:50
Monday, May 14 - 1:05 - 1:50
Please make sure you send back the blue permission form tomorrow so that your child may participate.
Thank you!
Our skating dates and times are as follows:
Tuesday, May 1 - 1:05 - 1:50
Wednesday, May 2 - 3:10 - 3:50
Monday, May 7 - 1:05 - 1:50
Monday, May 14 - 1:05 - 1:50
Please make sure you send back the blue permission form tomorrow so that your child may participate.
Thank you!
Circle Art and Jump Day
Today we worked together to create "Circle" art. Ask me about how we had to start painting and what colour I chose to work with.
Hello! Tomorrow is our Jump Event Day! There are a few things we want you to remember for tomorrow:
1) Wear RED in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation
2) Remember to bring in your pledge collection envelope
3) If you have your own skipping rope, please bring it to school. Don't forget to put your name on it.
4) Get ready to get your hearts pumping and have some fun!
Make sure you eat well and get a good night's sleep so you will have lots of energy for our Jump Day!!
We also want to send out a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Royal Oak Sobeys for donating oranges to our school so we can enjoy a healthy snack after the event. THANK YOU SOBEYS!!!
Jump Rope for Heart - Tomorrow!
Hello! Tomorrow is our Jump Event Day! There are a few things we want you to remember for tomorrow:
1) Wear RED in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation
2) Remember to bring in your pledge collection envelope
3) If you have your own skipping rope, please bring it to school. Don't forget to put your name on it.
4) Get ready to get your hearts pumping and have some fun!
Make sure you eat well and get a good night's sleep so you will have lots of energy for our Jump Day!!
We also want to send out a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Royal Oak Sobeys for donating oranges to our school so we can enjoy a healthy snack after the event. THANK YOU SOBEYS!!!
Helen Hennick
Physical Education Specialist, Royal Oak School
Calgary Board of Education
t 403-777-6279 ext 7237
Thank you to all the families who came out to our Celebration of Learning. I loved watching the students share their work and explain the thinking, learning and processes that went into making their community models.
Please see a note regarding our art cards below:
Please see a note regarding our art cards below:
Thank you for all of your support! Through the sales of our Grade 1 art work we were able to raise almost $300 to donate to Kidsport. We would like to meet a donation goal of $500. If you would like to purchase another Grade 1 art card, or if you were unable to be at the celebration of learning and would like to purchase a card, please send in your $5.00 donation to your child's teacher and they will send home a beautiful keepsake of their sustainable community art work from Grade 1. These would make perfect Mother's or Father's Day gifts!!
Thank you for your continued support.
Jump Rope for Heart - April 25
Hello ROS students, parents and guardians!
Our Heart and Stroke Foundation Jump Rope For Heart Fundraiser is well on its way. Our kick off assembly last week got students excited to participate. Students are encouraged to continue collecting pledges until Wednesday, April 25th when we will have our Jump Rope for Heart Day event. The Jump Event will run from 1:30-2:30 on the 25th, our entire school will converge in the courtyard to skip, be active and have fun. Students are encouraged to bring their own skipping ropes if they have one to participate in this school wide event. Thank you for your continued support!!
Ms Hennick
Celebration of Learning
April 19th from 6-7pm
On Thursday we ask that parents come to the school for 5:45. Doors will be open then and we would like the students to head to the gym to get set up and for families to remain in the gathering space outside the gym. This will allow the students to find their places for the opening musical performance.
There will be videos, art, pictures and tri-folds explaining the inquiry process and how we worked with the artist in residence, Sharon Fortowsky to create a public art piece that showcases the students growing understanding of community and sustainability. Our celebration will start at 6pm with a musical performance and introductory video. Then the students will show you their work in both the gym and in the gathering space. They will have a passport to use as a reminder so that they can show you all of the wonderful aspects of the inquiry process and the work they have completed.
A representative from Kid Sport will be in attendance to collect donations from the sale of our art cards. They will cost $5 and $4 will go directly to Kid Sport to support their programming for children in need. They will only be able to accept cash and exact change would be appreciated.
Your children are very excited to share their learning with you. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow evening.
Kim Cook
Jersey Day Tomorrow!!
Support Humboldt Broncos
We are inviting all students and staff to participate in Jersey Day on Thursday, April 12th in support of the families and community members affected by the bus crash in Saskatchewan last weekend. Please wear any team jersey, Royal Oak Blue or Canada Shirt that is your favourite or important to you and demonstrate your support.
April 11
April Online Scholastic Book Orders: You are now able to order books for the month of April. Please follow the step below to look at the April Magazines and order books online through your classroom teacher. Please submit your order by the deadline of April 20.
To order and pay online please follow the following steps:
It’s Here! Order from Reading Club online — it’s easy as 1-2-3!
- Connect with your child’s classroom teacher at
- You can browse, shop and pay online!
- Books arrive in the classroom, just like always!
Celebration of Learning
As a way to give back to the community, the students have decided to sell a postcard of their collaborative public art. The postcard will be 5 dollars with 4 dollars of the purchase going to KidSport, a not-for-profit organization that provides financial assistance for registration fees and equipment for children who need support to be involved in community sports programs. Please make sure to bring 5 dollars in cash to our celebration of Learning on April 19th from 6-7 to purchase a postcard.
If you would like more information about the organization you can visit the following link
Thank you for your continued support,
The Grade 1 team
Ms. Cook, Ms. Daniels, Ms. MacDonald, Ms. Plaxin, Mr. Pereira, Ms. Quesnel
5) ROS fundraising society: Just a friendly reminder from the ROS Fundraising Society that our Spring fundraiser is happening now! We are excited to be offering beautiful patio planters, hanging flower baskets, tomato plants and baskets, as well as, strawberry hanging baskets from Central Alberta Greenhouses!
Order forms are due April 18th
Cheques can be made payable to: ROS Fundraising Society
All orders will be made available for pick-up on May 10th!!
Please email, with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support!
April 10
This week students are continuing to work on building their models of a sustainable community using their blueprints as a guide. These will be on display as a part of our celebration of learning which focuses around our inquiry into communities and sustainability. We also looked at the art of Ton Schulten and how he uses colour, shapes, tints and shades in his artwork. We started a new piece using his style as a model to depict a city landscape. Students are continuing to write poetry using different styles. Today we explored how poets and other writers can use similes to describe objects in their writing. Ask your child about how they used similes to describe ice cream.
Students also attended our kickoff assembly this afternoon for Jump Rope for Heart. Fundraising envelopes were sent home in their pink folders. Please return these on or before April 25.
Important Dates:
Thursday, April 19 - Celebration of Learning
6- 7 pm
Students also attended our kickoff assembly this afternoon for Jump Rope for Heart. Fundraising envelopes were sent home in their pink folders. Please return these on or before April 25.
Thursday, April 19 - Celebration of Learning
6- 7 pm
From ROS Fundraising Society
Just a friendly reminder from the ROS Fundraising Society that our Spring fundraiser is happening now! We are excited to be offering beautiful patio planters, hanging flower baskets, tomato plants and baskets, as well as, strawberry hanging baskets from Central Alberta Greenhouses!
Order forms are due April 18th
Cheques can be made payable to: ROS Fundraising Society
All orders will be made available for pick-up on May 10th!!
Please email, with any questions.
Thank you for your continued support!
Giving Back - Celebration of Learning
Celebration of Learning
Celebration of Learning: As part of our Celebration of Learning on April 19, the students have had the opportunity to work with the Artist in Residence, Sharon Fortowsky to create a collaborative art piece that is tied to our inquiry into community and sustainability.
As a way to give back to the community, the students have decided to sell a postcard of their collaborative public art. The postcard will be 5 dollars with 4 dollars of the purchase going to KidSport, a not-for-profit organization that provides financial assistance for registration fees and equipment for children who need support to be involved in community sports programs. Please make sure to bring 5 dollars in cash to our celebration of Learning on April 19th from 6-7 to purchase a postcard.
If you would like more information about the organization you can visit the following link
Thank you for your continued support,
The Grade 1 team
Ms. Cook, Ms. Daniels, Ms. MacDonald, Ms. Plaxin, Mr. Pereira, Ms. Quesnel
April 3
Welcome Back!
I hope you had a restful and enjoyable Spring Break. April is shaping up to be a busy month. Students have started working on their community models working from their blueprints and written proposals. Ask your child what they need to include in their community to ensure that it is sustainable over time.
April is Poetry Month! Students will be working with and creating poetry using a variety of styles and formats.
Important Dates:
April 19: Grade 1 Celebration of Learning - 6pm - 7pm.
I hope you had a restful and enjoyable Spring Break. April is shaping up to be a busy month. Students have started working on their community models working from their blueprints and written proposals. Ask your child what they need to include in their community to ensure that it is sustainable over time.
April is Poetry Month! Students will be working with and creating poetry using a variety of styles and formats.
Important Dates:
April 19: Grade 1 Celebration of Learning - 6pm - 7pm.
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Thank you!
As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you for welcoming me into your school community. I have thor...