1. All blue forms that have gone home this week need to be returned ASAP.
2. Conferences are on Thursday evening and Friday morning. Please book online ASAP and see the office if you do not have your My CBE account set up.
3. Library books can be returned anytime. This week we will be setting up for the book fair so the students will NOT be taking out new books this week.

This week in math we worked on problem solving and sorting. We are learning how to organize our thoughts in our math journal so we can 'prove' what we know and show our thinking.
Students wrote about their favourite part of the week in their home journals. Please be sure to read and respond.

Next week, September 18 - 21 is Safety Week. We will be discussing and practising our safety routines in school. Please see below for dates and times of our drills.
Monday, September 18 - Fire Drill - 1:30
Tuesday, September 19 - Evacuation Drill - 9:45
Wednesday, September 20 - Lockdown Drill - 1:30
These drills are required by the CBE and serve to prepare students and staff in the unlikely event of a real emergency.