Thank you to those who have expressed an interest in volunteering! We would like to invite you to a Volunteer Orientation meeting on Monday (Sept. 11th) 6:00-7:00pm here at the school run by our admin team. If you have NOT YET attended one of these meetings, this is a great chance to have all of your questions answered and fill in all of the necessary paperwork that is needed for you to volunteer! We are excited to have you in our classrooms!
Directly after the Volunteer Orientation is the Parent Council/Fundraising meeting at 7:00pm. Please stay to find out more information about our school and how you can be involved!
We will be working on an art project next week. Could every student bring in a smooth fist sized rock for Tuesday morning.
We have two assemblies next week where we would like the students to wear Royal Oak blue. If you have a school teeshirt this would be a great day to wear it. If you do not please wear royal blue.
Tuesday, September 12 @ 1:20 p.m. – Beakerhead (Science and Art)
Friday, September 15 @ 10:30 a.m. – Safety Assembly with Constable Will Johnson
If you have not yet done so please return transportation forms as soon as possible.
Thank you and have a great weekend!