October 11

It is Picture Day tomorrow!!

This is just a reminder that individual pictures will be taken tomorrow (class photos will be taken in the spring). Dress in your best, but also dress for the weather!

We continued exploring the Zones of Regulation today and how our bodies communicate with us.  We've discovered that the green zone is optimal for learning and are learning about what emotions we may be feeling when we are in the red and yellow zones.  This learning will continue as we explore the blue zone and learn more about what we can do as individuals to move ourselves into the green zone.  

Volunteer Opportunity
We are decorating a pumpkin to be displayed at the Royal Oak Sobeys.  Our class brainstormed what they would like to do and then voted for their favourite choice.  We will be decorating our pumpkin like a princess.  I am looking for a parent volunteer with current security clearance to come in and help us with this.  There is no carving involved!!  Please let me know if you are available next week Tuesday or Wednesday.  

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...