November 14

Dream Out Loud

 Stephen’s Backpacks
Royal Oak Students are supporting Stephen’s Backpacks this holiday season. Stephen’s Backpacks is an organization that was started in Airdrie by a young boy who thought it wasn’t fair that he received so much for Christmas when other children didn’t even have a bed to sleep in. 
The backpacks this year are for children who range in age from infant to grade 3. We are looking for donations of new items that can go inside of a backpack (toques, mitts, puzzles, pyjamas, socks, baby items, shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.). These items can be brought to school with your child and they will be placed under the tree in the gathering space. 
We will begin collecting items in the gathering space beginning on Monday, November 13th and will be accepting donations until Wednesday, December 6th. 
Link to Stephen’s Backpack for additional information: Stephen's Backpacks Society

1) Book Truck: is coming to ROS tomorrow. Our class is scheduled to visit in the morning and have the opportunity to take out books.  If you have not already done so please send in your child's CPL card number.  They will not be able to take out books without it!

2) Glenbow field trip: Please ensure that you have returned the form and pay online by Nov 15th.

3) Conferences: please ensure that you have signed up for a conference time and have returned the blue form.

$) ATP charlotte's web field trip forms: These forms will be coming home tomorrow.  Please fill out the form and pay online by Nov 20th.  We will be attending the play on December 7.  I will need two volunteers with current security clearance to join us to assist with supervision.  Due to the nature of the field trip and ATP tickets I only have room for two volunteers on this trip.   As always volunteers must have current security clearance.  

Yesterday, Canadian author Andrea Lynn Beck joined us to read from one of her books, share with us how a book is written, illustrated and published and how her imagination leads to a story.  She also showed us how all of her drawings start off as basic shapes.  Each student was given a copy of Good Morning Canada as this was the book chosen for the TD Grade One Book Giveaway, a program of The Canadian Children's Book Centre to promote reading.  

Today students worked with their sense of hearing to identify a variety of items placed in shakers.  This proved to be quite challenging as many items sounded very similar when shaken.  

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...