Please look in Iris as we have posted our October writing samples. You can access IRIS from the Royal Oak school website. We have been looking closely at our writing as we begin to set personal writing goals. Students worked in groups to become familiar with the classroom rubric and examined writing exemplars as they discussed how they would evaluate writing samples. There was some lively classroom discussion as students questioned and defended their choices. Next week students will be evaluating their own writing in terms of the November rubric and setting personal writing goals based on individual areas for growth. For example, some students may choose to focus on sounding our the words that they write. Others will focus on using finger spaces between words, or writing complete sentences. Still others may choose to focus on adding details to their writing. Once students have selected a writing goal we will then brainstorm strategies they could use to help them reach their goal.
Forms sent home:
1. Conference questionnaire: Please fill out both sides and return before November 10.
2. Raz Kids: Information on how to access from home as well as some information regarding levels and how they differ from the home reading books especially at the hight levels.
Upcoming field trips and volunteers opportunities:
1. Our class will be travelling to the Glenbow Museum on November 27 to participate in "Tipis, Tales, Teachings" and "Discovery Adventures." Forms for this trip will be coming home next week. I will require 2-3 volunteers to assist with supervision. Volunteers must have current security clearance.
2. The grade one classes will be attending ATP's performance of "Charlotte's Web" on December 7. Volunteers from each class will be needed in order to maintain ratio for supervision. Our class will need 1-2 volunteers for this activity. Again, volunteers must have current security clearance.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.