Important Dates

Charlotte's Web field trip: is Thursday Dec 7th. Students will be boarding the bus at 9:45 and returning later in the afternoon. Please ensure that your child has a packed lunch and snack. Students will have time to eat their lunch before the performance and a snack once they have returned to the school. 

Volunteers: Thank you to our volunteers. Please sing in at the office and come to our classroom for 9:30 am on December 7. Please note that We have all the volunteers required for this day. I am unable to take extra volunteers as the tickets are pre-purchased. 
No School: There is no school for students on Friday, December 8 as we have a Professional Day.

Royal Oak Christmas Market: Dec 9th from 1-4. It is being put on by the ROS fundraising society.

Stephen's Backpacks : We will be accepting donations for Stephen's Backpacks until the end of the school week, (Thursday, December 7th). A special 'Thank You' to our Royal Oak families for your generosity. At the heart of every donation is the desire to make a difference in one child's life.

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...