Report Cards went home with students yesterday. White envelopes (just the envelope) need to be signed and returned to school by Thursday. Thank you very much.
Ginger bread STEM building challenge
We were very innovative in their building ideas. We had to be very patient waiting for the glue (icing) to dry. We found out that it was easier to lean to crackers together, creating a more stable structure. What a fun afternoon! Way to go future engineers.
Ask me about: What was the hardest part about building your structure?
What was easiest?
Tuesday Dec. 19 - Report cards go home
Wednesday Dec. 20- Wear Royal oak blue to school
Thursday Dec. 21 - Wacky winter clothes day-wear your festive winter attire to school.
Thursday Dec. 21 - Last Day of Classes (Winter Break)
Thursday Dec. 21 - Working with our Buddies in the afternoon (Variety of Christmas arts/ Crafts)
Friday Dec. 22 - Non-Instructional Day. No school for students
Monday Jan. 8 - Classes Resume