Tuesday, January 24

Today Ms. Sparks read Koala Lou to all the Grade 1 classes. Ask me about whether I liked the book and why.

Home Reading - Why it is SO important.
In addition, grade one is a critical year where students are "cracking" the code.  They begin to read independently and internalize the phonics rules of English so they can then focus more on comprehension strategies such as making connections, inferences, predicting and interacting with the text on a deeper level.  
Reading at home makes a HUGE difference!

1) No school on Friday due to a Professional Development day.
2)  Wear your pyjamas to school tomorrow and remember to bring your favourite book!
3) Online Scholastic book orders due January 30.  Please see previous blog post regarding how to order online.

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...