We have continued our investigation into urban, suburban and rural communities. We read 'Town Mouse, Country Mouse' by Jan Brett and ‘Country Kid, City Kid’ by Julie Cummins. Students discussed the difference between the mice and how they live in each community. They then chose which one they would choose to be and had to explain why. We then discussed the pros and cons of living in an urban and suburban community and we had a class debate! The students did a great job coming up with strong arguments and supporting details why they would want to live in one of the communities.
They then had to create a poster advertising the benefits of living in an urban, rural or suburban community. The poster must include a title, a slogan, and pictures or graphics that explain the benefits in living in their choice of community. Look for these to be uploaded into IRIS in the next week or so.
'Town Mouse, Country Mouse'
'Country Kid, City Kid’
1. Gymnastics Unit: please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Please refer to previous post for more information.
2. Literacy Night: Thursday Jan 18th from 6:30-7:30. We would love to see you all there. Please refer to previous post for more information.
3. Literacy Week:
Next week we are celebrating Literacy Week with a variety of activities.
Monday Jan. 22 - Kick off assembly in the gym.
Please wear Royal Oak Blue. Book Tour Walk - Teachers will be sharing their favourite books in a display format.
Tuesday, Jan. 23 - Guest Reader Day
Ms. Sparks and Ms. Bradbury will be reading to different classes.
Wednesday, Jan. 24 - Buddy Reading Day
Buddy classes will be sharing and reading books together. Teachers will also be reading aloud their favourite books.
Thursday, Jan. 25 - Pajama, Stuffy and Favourite Book Day
Please wear your pyjamas and bring your favourite book from home. We will be sharing these with our classmates and buddies.
Friday, Jan. 26 - No School
This is a system wide professional development day. There will be no class for students.