1) One World Drumming: On February 9th at 11:30 - 12:00 parents and caregivers are invited to join us for a sharing of the student’s work from the week. Please note this time is dedicated to our classroom. Each class will have their own 30 minute sharing block.
3) Valentine's Day: For Valentine's Day students will be participating in a kindness art project where students will have the opportunity to write kindness notes on a piece of art to their classmates. This activity is being done in lieu of handing out valentines to assist in reducing waste. Please do not send commercial valentines as we will not be passing them out. Thank you for your cooperation.
Up coming events:
1) One World Drumming: is starting next week from Jan 5th-9th.
2) Book Truck: for returning books only is Feb 7th.
3) Class Picture day: Feb 8th.