February 21

Feb 21

This week in writing we have been reading and using the book Snowy Day as a mentor text to explore our own ideas about what adventures we could have on a snowy day.  We will use these ideas to plan and write our own Snowy Day Story.  Ask me about the plan I made for my story today.


Important Dates:
1) Evergreen Theater: is performing at the school tomorrow.

2) Artist in Residence: we will be starting our work with the artist in residence who will be coming in to work with the grade 1 classes on a large collaborative art piece.  

3) Pink Shirt Day: We will be recognizing pink shirt day on February 28th.  
This is an anti-bullying initiative that was started in the Maritimes by students.  

4)  The group class picture day has been rescheduled for March 12 with Lifetouch.  

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...