March 1
Today we had our second session our artist in residence, Sharon Fortowsky. Students first explored and practised using different tools to create different textures and strokes with paint. After exploring these tools students then moved on to using foam brushes to paint the backgrounds of our collaborative art pieces using colours to differentiate sky, mountains, foothills and grasslands.
We also had a chance this afternoon to play a math game with our grade 3 buddies. Students practised how to make 10 in a variety of ways playing the game Snap with snap cubes. This games reinforces basic number skills and addition facts to 10.
Ms. Hennick hopes to start bouldering on Monday during gym class. Please send in the blue permission forms if you have not already done so.
Thank you!
As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you for welcoming me into your school community. I have thor...