Wednesday, March 21

Welcome to Spring!  This week we have been working on using dialogue to write our own Elephant and Piggie story in the style of Mo Willems.  This builds on our first attempt to use dialogue in story telling using Toontastic.  Using dialogue requires students to "show" not "tell" and requires them to think deeply about how information is communicated through the character's voices, expressions and movement.  In math we have continued working on doubles and near doubles to help us build a deep understanding and eventual automaticity of number operations to 20.  Students have been working with number lines, identifying patterns on the hundreds boards and finding as many double equations as they can using real life examples.  In inquiry we have continued to look at the concept of community and what a community needs to be sustainable.  Students finished off their blueprints and written proposals, received feedback and have made some revisions.  Next we will start to build a representation of their community using their blueprints as a guide. 

Student led conferences are this Thursday evening and Friday morning.  There are still a few spots left on Friday morning if you have not yet booked a time.  For this round of conferences, there will be two families in the classroom looking at student work with their child.  I will be in the room and will be circulating between the two families to help guide the conversation and assist your child in sharing their learning and growth with you.  Students will have several work samples to share with you along with individual goals that they have set for themselves and an interactive math activity to demonstrate their growth developing understanding of number operations.  

Important dates:
March 24 - April 2 - Spring Break
April 3 - Classes resume

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...