Thank you to all the parent volunteers and student volunteers from William D Pratt for helping us to run a fantastic sports day. Your children had a great time participating in a variety of sporting and fun movement activities. Ask your child what their favourite part was and why.
We have submitted our tomato germination results and now have some lovely tomato plants that need a new home. If you would like a tomato plant please let me know at and I will send one home with your child to plant in your garden. Depending on the level of interest I may be able to send home one of each of the two tested plants so that you can continue the experiment at home to see what plant produces the best tomatoes.
AIWC presentation
Yesterday we had an amazing presentation from Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation. We learned all about owls and even dissected owl pellets! Ask me about what I learned or enjoyed the most.

Pre-registration for bussing transportation: is open until June 11th. If your child requires this form of transportation please register your child before June 11th to ensure that he/she can take the bus at the beginning of September.
Volunteer Tea: is this Friday at 10:00 am.

Pre-registration for bussing transportation: is open until June 11th. If your child requires this form of transportation please register your child before June 11th to ensure that he/she can take the bus at the beginning of September.
Volunteer Tea: is this Friday at 10:00 am.
Sports Day Tomorrow
Tomorrow is Sports Day at Royal Oak School. This year our theme is CANADA! Please wear your Royal Oak blue, CANADA gear or red and white clothing Students are asked to come prepared for the weather. Bring your hat, sunscreen, water bottle, proper footwear (no flip flops) and a light jacket. We're looking forward to a great afternoon filled with super fun activities and events!
Helen Hennick
Physical Education Specialist, Royal Oak School
Calgary Board of Education
t 403-777-6279 ext 7237
Tomato sphere results
The results of our tomato experiment are as follows:
We had and 84% germination success rate for our J seeds.
We had a 78% gemination success rate for our K seeds.
Across Canada the germination rate for both J and K seeds was 75%.
After submitting our results we learned that the K seeds had spent six weeks aboard the International Space Station.
May 24, 2018
2018-19 Transportation Pre-registration
The transportation pre-registration period will begin on Tuesday, May 22 (today)and close on Monday, June 11. Transportation pre-registrations can be completed using My CBE Account.
To be included in the yellow school bus route planning for September, parents must pre-register by June 11. Any registrations received after that date will not be considered until route changes are done after Thanksgiving. The more registrations we receive by the deadline, the more efficient route planning will be for September.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please contact Transportation Services at 403-817-7433 or
Royal Oak School
Shoeboxes Needed
Students will be creating a diorama of the habitat of the animal they are currently researching. They will need a shoebox or similar size box. If you could please send one in by Monday. IF you have any extra boxes you could also send in it would be very helpful. Thank you.
****Home Reading****
Please return all home reading books promptly so our volunteers can do inventory for the end of the year. If you are unable to find your home reading books you will be responsible for payment.
Please return all home reading books promptly so our volunteers can do inventory for the end of the year. If you are unable to find your home reading books you will be responsible for payment.
Important dates:
Friday | May 25 - Stampede Pancake Breakfast - 7:30 am to 9:00 am
Wednesday | May 30 - Sports Day
Tuesday | May 29 AWIC presentations
Friday | June 1 - Volunteer Tea 10 am
Tuesday | June 5- Bike to school
Tuesday | June 12 - Zoo field trip!!!
Wednesday | May 30 - Sports Day
Tuesday | May 29 AWIC presentations
Friday | June 1 - Volunteer Tea 10 am
Tuesday | June 5- Bike to school
Tuesday | June 12 - Zoo field trip!!!
May 23
1) Stampede Breakfast: is this Friday at 7:30 am. Pancakes will be served till around 8:30 but families are free to socialize till around 9:00.
2) Shoe boxes needed: As part of our inquiry work students will be building habitats for the animal they are researching. If you could send a shoe box in with your child to assist them in building their animal habitat that would be extremely helpful. We will also accept any extra shoe boxes you may have for students who do not have a shoe box. We will need the shoe boxes for Monday if possible. Thank you for your continued support.
Upcoming School Events - Need Volunteers!
Hi, ROS parents -
Over the next few weeks, we have a number of fun events planned for our students and families. To facilitate these events, we require a large number of parent volunteers to help. If you are available for any/all of the following opportunities, please email our ROS Volunteer Coordinators (Keri and Niki) at
1. Lunch Supervision - Tuesday, May 22nd - 11:45a to 1p - We need 4 more volunteers to help with supervising the students while the staff is taking a group photo.
2. Pancake Breakfast - Friday, May 25th - 7a to 9:15a - We need 6 more volunteers to help serve pancakes, sausages and pour syrup!
3. Sports Day - Wednesday, May 30th - 12p until the end of the school day - This is a fun afternoon at ROS! All students will participate in various events in and around the school. We require 25+ volunteers to help manage a station. Volunteers will also be cutting watermelon before the event begins.
4. Bike to School Day - Tuesday, June 5th - *Two Shifts - 8:20a and 3:30p - Students and parents are encourage to ride their bikes to school this day. We need a minimum of 10 volunteers for a morning shift and another 10 for the afternoon shift to tag, sort and store bikes. Volunteers will also be cutting oranges as a treat for the students.
5. Year End BBQ - Tuesday, June 26th - 10:30a to 1:30p - To wrap up the school year, we are having a BBQ on the second last day of school. If you have a child in Grade 1 or 2, we need 20 volunteers to help with this event. (Participating Kindergarten parents will be eating with their children and Grade 3 parents will be attending the Farewell this day.)
Thanks in advance for your willingness to help with these events! If you have any questions, please email
Keri & Niki
Volunteer Coordinators
ROS School Council
Zoo Field Trip - Volunteers Needed
We will be travelling to the Calgary Zoo on June 12 for a field trip opportunity that supports our ongoing inquiry into the needs of plants and animals. Students will be participating in a program called "Bear Necessities", touring the panda exhibit and visiting other areas of the zoo with their parent volunteer to closely look at animal habitats and how the zoo works to create habitats that meet the animals individual needs for food, water, shelter, companionship and intellectual stimulation. I will need 5 volunteers on this day to actively supervise small groups of students throughout the zoo grounds as they explore the different animals and habitats.
If you are able to join us in a volunteer capacity on this day please follow the link below to sign up. As always, volunteers with the CBE require current volunteer clearance.
Thank you in advance for supporting this exciting educational opportunity.
If you are able to join us in a volunteer capacity on this day please follow the link below to sign up. As always, volunteers with the CBE require current volunteer clearance.
Thank you in advance for supporting this exciting educational opportunity.
Royal Oak School Pancake Breakfast
Royal Oak School Pancake Breakfast!
We are excited that the Calgary Stampede Downtown Attractions Breakfast Committee will be hosting a FREE Stampede Pancake Breakfast for our entire school community on Friday May 25th. This event will begin at 7:30am and pancakes will be served until approximately 8:30 am. Families are encouraged to come early to enjoy this free event and stay to socialize till approximately 9:00 am.
Families are invited to bring a blanket or camping chair to sit on as they enjoy a breakfast picnic on the compound and/or hill area. In the event of rain families will be invited inside the gym.
All families are encouraged to wear their best western attire to show their Stampede spirit!
Home Reading
Next week will be the last week that home reading books will be sent home. Please make sure that you return all home reading books and folders to the school by May 22. This will give our volunteers time to sort through all the books and make repairs as needed. Thank you for your understanding.
Upcoming Dates!!
Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to assist with Alien In-line. It certainly makes getting geared up so much faster. We couldn't do this without you!!
We have some upcoming activities that I would like to share with you.
1) Alien In-line Skating - Monday, May 7 and Monday, May 14.
2) Children's Author visit. - Friday, May 11. Lauren Himmelreich will be visiting to present to our students. Grade 1 will be at 9:20 - 10:00
3) Dress up as your favourite storybook character - Friday May 11. This is a part of Canadian Children's Book Week.
4) Neighbourhood Walk to William D. Pratt to see their drama production, Willy Wonka.
As this is classed as a neighbourhood walk, field trip forms will not be sent home. A letter was sent home last week explaining this trip. I will need two volunteers to accompany us.
Please sign up using the link below.
5) Book Truck - We will be accessing the CPL book truck on Wednesday, May, 16. Please note that public library books are loaned for three weeks. They can be returned at any CPL branch, including the new one at the YMCA.
6) PD Day - There will be no classes for students on Friday, May 18 due to a system wide professional development day.
7) Victoria Day, Monday May 21 - No school
8) Stampede Breakfast - Friday, May 25.
9) AIWC presentation - Tuesday, May 29. Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation will be visiting to present World of Owls. I will need one volunteer to join us for this presentation at 2:20.
Please sign up at the following link:
10) Circle of Sports Day - May 30 - more details to come....
11) Bike to School Day - June 5 - More details to come...
12) Tuesday, June 12 - Field trip to Calgary Zoo - More details to come...
We have some upcoming activities that I would like to share with you.
1) Alien In-line Skating - Monday, May 7 and Monday, May 14.
2) Children's Author visit. - Friday, May 11. Lauren Himmelreich will be visiting to present to our students. Grade 1 will be at 9:20 - 10:00
3) Dress up as your favourite storybook character - Friday May 11. This is a part of Canadian Children's Book Week.
4) Neighbourhood Walk to William D. Pratt to see their drama production, Willy Wonka.
As this is classed as a neighbourhood walk, field trip forms will not be sent home. A letter was sent home last week explaining this trip. I will need two volunteers to accompany us.
Please sign up using the link below.
5) Book Truck - We will be accessing the CPL book truck on Wednesday, May, 16. Please note that public library books are loaned for three weeks. They can be returned at any CPL branch, including the new one at the YMCA.
6) PD Day - There will be no classes for students on Friday, May 18 due to a system wide professional development day.
7) Victoria Day, Monday May 21 - No school
8) Stampede Breakfast - Friday, May 25.
9) AIWC presentation - Tuesday, May 29. Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation will be visiting to present World of Owls. I will need one volunteer to join us for this presentation at 2:20.
Please sign up at the following link:
10) Circle of Sports Day - May 30 - more details to come....
11) Bike to School Day - June 5 - More details to come...
12) Tuesday, June 12 - Field trip to Calgary Zoo - More details to come...
Tuesday, May 1
Tomorrow, please wear a hat for Hats on for Mental Health Day.
Today we looked at the abstract artwork of Wassily Kandinsky. We discussed how we can see 'sounds.' just like Kandinsky did. We then listened to music that evoked different emotions that students captured in paint. We then discussed shape and colour choices and how people choose different colours based on how each colour makes them feel. Please ask your child about each of their three paintings - happy, sad and scared.
Today we looked at the abstract artwork of Wassily Kandinsky. We discussed how we can see 'sounds.' just like Kandinsky did. We then listened to music that evoked different emotions that students captured in paint. We then discussed shape and colour choices and how people choose different colours based on how each colour makes them feel. Please ask your child about each of their three paintings - happy, sad and scared.
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Thank you!
As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you for welcoming me into your school community. I have thor...