Royal Oak School Pancake Breakfast

Royal Oak School Pancake Breakfast!

We are excited that the Calgary Stampede Downtown Attractions Breakfast Committee will be hosting a FREE Stampede Pancake Breakfast for our entire school community on Friday May 25th. This event will begin at 7:30am and pancakes will be served until approximately 8:30 am. Families are encouraged to come early to enjoy this free event and stay to socialize till approximately 9:00 am.

Families are invited to bring a blanket or camping chair to sit on as they enjoy a breakfast picnic on the compound and/or hill area. In the event of rain families will be invited inside the gym. 

All families are encouraged to wear their best western attire to show their Stampede spirit!

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...