June 20

June 20

Yesterday students had an opportunity to re-visit the kindergarten classrooms while the kindergarten students had a short introduction to Grade 1.  We are in the process of writing booklets to the kindergarten students to let them know what to expect in Grade 1.  

We are finishing up building animal habitats for the animal your child has been researching.  Look for these to come home at the end of the week.

We will be starting to send home student work.  As there is quite a volume of work that is also of various sizes we are asking students to bring in a reusable bag in which to carry the work that will not fit in their backpacks.  Please send in by Friday, June 22.  Students can keep these on their coat hooks until needed.  

Upcoming events

June 26th - School BQQ - this the the last fun lunch of the year.  Instructions were posted previously to pre-order.  If you have questions or concerns please email ROSfunlunch@gmail.com

June 27th - last day of school for students

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...