On Tuesday, we had our last field trip of the year to the Calgary Zoo. Students had the opportunity to learn more about bears in Canada. They also viewed a variety of different animals in their zoo habitats.
If your family will be away the last day of school, please provide the school with a legal sized envelope with your home address and make sure it contains proper postage for your child’s report card to be mailed out. Report cards will not be able to go home early.
All books from the Royal Oak Learning Commons should now be returned. If you still have books at home please send them back to the school.
I am still in need of a parent volunteer to assist with sanitizing our manipulative. If you are available to help out one day next week please contact me.
Important Dates:
Tuesday, June 26 - Fun Lunch BBQ. A note was sent home on how to order for this earlier this week.
Wednesday, June 27 - Last day of school for students.