September 28

Sept 28

Today Ms. Janice our school nurse came in shared how we should be washing our hands so that everyone stays healthy. Ask me about how I should be washing my hands and when I should be washing my hands.

1) Orange Shirt Day: Tomorrow students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt as we are honoring Orange Shirt Day which grew out of Phyllis' story of having her shiny new orange shirt taken away on her first day of school at the Mission, and it has become an opportunity to keep the discussion on all aspects of residential schools happening annually.  If you would like more information please visit the following link.
Today as a part of our inquiry into seasonal changes we had the opportunity to sketch a tree. Each month we will take an opportunity to closely examine this tree in order to record and document the changes that we see.   

 Teach Your Monster to Read: Today notices and login cards where sent home about the program Teach Your Monster to Read. This is an excellent resource and will support your child in developing their reading skills.

Orange Shirt Day:  Friday is Orange Shirt Day.  This is a day set aside to acknowledge the Truth and Reconciliation Act.  It is an opportunity for students to learn more about our Canadian history and to acknowledge the lasting damage done through residential schools.  Please have your student wear an orange shirt on this day if you have one.

Monday, Sept 25

It was a pleasure to meet so many families last week at Parent Teacher Conferences.
On Monday we continued to look at sorting by attributes.  Students were charged with sorting houses in as many different ways as they could and explaining their sorting rule using attributes.  We wrote about what we did on the weekend.  In gym we played full body Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Family Fun Fair

2nd Annual Family Fun Fair

Thursday, Sept 28th from 5:30-7:30pm at ROS and WDP!
9 food trucks (bring $$), CPS, Calgary Public Library, family games, lots of fun!
Come out and play, eat and visit with our fantastic school community!

Description: C:\Users\XPS\Pictures\Re__2nd_Annual_Family_Fun_Fair_at_Royal_Oak_School\Sugar Cube Logo TM.png

On Tuesday, October 3rd, Royal Oak School and William D. Pratt School will be participating in the Terry Fox Run.  Students will gather on the field between the two schools to take part in the annual 30-minute run, which is scheduled to begin at 10:30am.  Students attending afternoon Kindergarten are welcome to attend, if they are accompanied by a supervising adult.

On this day please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather (including running shoes).  If the weather is poor, students will walk inside the school during their PE class time.

We are asking that each child donate a “Toonie for Terry” for the Terry Fox Foundation during the week of September 26 - October 3rd

All parents/guardians who are interested in joining their child/children in this event are more than welcome.

We do require a fair number of volunteers for this event to ensure its success.  If you have security clearance and if you are able to volunteer during the run time, kindly contact our school Volunteer Coordinator at

Thank you for your continued support.

The Terry Fox Run Committee

Helen Hennick
Physical Education Specialist, Royal Oak School
Calgary Board of Education
t 403-777-6279 ext 7237

"Physical Education is the only subject which, by the very nature of its content, has the potential to affect how a person will feel every moment of every day for the rest of his or her life."

Monday, September 18

This week is safety week. Today we had our first fire drill. We did an excellent job at getting out safely.

There has been a change of date for our evacuation drill - the evacuation drill will now take place on Wednesday morning.

1) Conferences: If you have not had the chance to sign up for conferences yet. Please sign up as soon as possible.

2) Opening school packages: Please return completed forms by Sept 20th

3) Conference questions: If you have not returned your conference questions please send them in by tomorrow.

Friday, September 15

Important Reminders!

1. All blue forms that have gone home this week need to be returned ASAP. 
2. Conferences are on Thursday evening and Friday morning. Please book online ASAP and see the office if you do not have your My CBE account set up. 
3. Library books can be returned anytime. This week we will be setting up for the book fair so the students will NOT be taking out new books this week. 

This week in math we worked on problem solving and sorting.  We are learning how to organize our thoughts in our math journal so we can 'prove' what we know and show our thinking.  

Students wrote about their favourite part of the week in their home journals.  Please be sure to read and respond.  

Next week, September 18 - 21 is Safety Week.  We will be discussing and practising our safety routines in school.  Please see below for dates and times of our drills.
Monday, September 18 - Fire Drill - 1:30
Tuesday, September 19 - Evacuation Drill - 9:45
Wednesday, September 20 - Lockdown Drill - 1:30
These drills are required by the CBE and serve to prepare students and staff in the unlikely event of a real emergency.  

Wednesday, September 13

This week we looked at the book The Best Part Of Me.  Students used this book as a mentor text to write about one part of themselves that they loved and why.  We first shared orally in a large group about what we loved about some of our body parts.  Some students loved their feet for how fast they let them run or how far they could use them to kick a soccer ball.  Some students loved their hands because they could use them to pick up toys, food and hold hands.  There were so many good ideas shared!  Students then chose four different parts of themselves and reflected on why they thought that part was the 'best'.  They then wrote out why they thought that way.  We paid particular attention to the why question as that required students to think deeply and justify their answers.  They then wrote down their thoughts and we took pictures of the 'best part'.  We look forward to sharing these with you during parent teacher conferences next week.

We also examined the difference between fair and equal.  This lead to a rich discussion of what individual students felt they needed in order to do their best learning.  Common themes were quiet places with few interruptions, working with others who do their jobs, keeping hands and feet to self and having personal space.  This rich discussion of individual learning differences helped to foster a richer sense of community within our classroom and enabled students to see that while many of them had similar learning needs that there were also differences and we each need to respect these differences and help each other so that everyone can be successful in their learning.

We are still asking for students to bring in a smooth fist sized rock for an art project.  Please send these in ASAP.

Teacher Blogs


To  Access Teacher Blogs – Directions are below:

Please go the Royal Oak School website:
-        Click on Teaching and Learning
-        Click on Classes and Departments
-        Scroll down to the grade your child is in (Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3) and click on the appropriate teacher's name.

Today students had an opportunity to watch Sapphire, a circus performer, who is working with Beakerhead share how art, science and technology can be combined together to create optical illusions and special effects in performances.  Beakerhead runs form September 13-18 in various location around the city.  Please check out the video below or access more information here.

**** Art project supplies needed: On Tuesday we will be needing rocks for an art project that is planned. Please help your child find a smooth, fist sized rock that they can paint. Thank you for all of your support. ********

Friday, September 8

Dear Parents,

Thank you to those who have expressed an interest in volunteering!   We would like to invite you to a Volunteer Orientation meeting on Monday (Sept. 11th) 6:00-7:00pm here at the school run by our admin team. If you have NOT YET attended one of these meetings, this is a great chance to have all of your questions answered and fill in all of the necessary paperwork that is needed for you to volunteer! We are excited to have you in our classrooms!
Directly after the Volunteer Orientation is the Parent Council/Fundraising meeting at 7:00pm. Please stay to find out more information about our school and how you can be involved!

We will be working on an art project next week.  Could every student bring in a smooth fist sized rock for Tuesday morning.  

We have two assemblies next week where we would like the students to wear Royal Oak blue.  If you have a school teeshirt this would be a great day to wear it.  If you do not please wear royal blue.  

Tuesday, September 12 @ 1:20 p.m. – Beakerhead (Science and Art)

Friday, September 15 @ 10:30 a.m. – Safety Assembly with Constable Will Johnson

If you have not yet done so please return transportation forms as soon as possible.  

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Image result for VolunteerRoyal Oak school is inviting all parents who would be interested in volunteering in the school to attend a volunteer orientation session on Monday, September 11 from 6:00 - 7:00pm.  This is right before the school council meeting which starts at 7:00.  If you are interested in volunteering please join us then.
On our first day of school one of the books we read was First Day Jitters.  This book tells the story of a person who is very nervous about starting school.  At the end of the book it is revealed that the main character is the new teacher.  This led to a lively discussion of how each student felt that morning as they started school and why they felt that way.  Each student then wrote about how they felt on the first day and completed a self portrait of themselves on the first day of school.  We learned that there were many different emotions that our classmates were feeling.  We were excited about meeting new friends, scared to be in a new class, happy to be back in school, and sad that we had to leave our moms and dads.  We discovered that others in our class were feeling the same way.
September 5, 2017

Dear Parents and Students,

Please find below some general information you will find helpful as we begin our year of learning together.

Students require two pairs of shoes.  One pair is to be used exclusively for indoor wear and the other for outdoor wear.  Please select shoes that your child can put on easily and independently.  If your child is unable to tie his/her shoes independently, please use Velcro shoes.  Both pairs of shoes should be appropriate for gym activities and running as we participate in daily physical education both indoors and outdoors dependent on weather. Please label your child’s shoes as many children have the same shoes. J

Students are expected to be able to fully and independently get their jackets on, change their shoes, pack up their backpacks, and put on their own hats and gloves.  If this is a skill that your child is still learning, please be sure to practice at home, and send them to school with items of clothing that they are able to put on independently such Velcro shoes, and easy slide zippers. Please also ensure that you label your child’s belongings, especially winter gear, as it can tend to be misplaced and end up in the lost and found. Each morning, your child should be dressed for the weather, as students will be outside for morning recess and lunch recess.  We also go outside as a class to look closely at nature and to sketch and sometimes for physical education.
Snacks and Lunch
We set aside 10 minutes before recess for students to eat their snacks as part of a classroom community.  We also use this opportunity to discuss healthy food choices and how they impact our energy and learning.  Please pack your child's snack and lunch separately in different containers or compartments so it is easy for your child to know when they should be eating each part. At times students will bring their snack with them outdoors.  Due to the number of children with food and nut allergies, we ask that you remind your children not to share food such as recess snacks with their friends. Please note that there are no microwaves available to heat snacks or lunches.  Grade 1 students will be eating their lunches in the lunchroom.  Please ensure you label their lunch bags as they sometimes end up in another classroom’s bin. 

Daily Folder
A pink coloured folder will be coming home in your child's backpack. This is their communication folder and we will use it each day to send home notices and important information. If you need to send a note to the teacher, it can also come in this folder. We will check them each day. 

Home Reading
Reading with your child at home on a regular basis is key to success.  We encourage students to read at home each day.   

Morning supervision begins at 8:55 am.  Please do not leave your children unattended before that time.  Students will also have a supervised morning recess and a supervised lunch recess.

Birthday invites
If you have birthday invitations to hand out, please send them to school in your child’s communication folder. We will discreetly make sure each child receives their invitation to avoid any hurt feelings.  I do not expect that all students be invited to all parties.  We are unable to hand out birthday treats. 

Throughout the year we will be looking for a number of parent volunteers to assist us in the classroom and on field trips.   Please see the front office to confirm that volunteer and police clearance information is current.   All volunteers must have current security and volunteer clearance before you will be able to volunteer.  These do take time so don’t wait until the last minute!!!
This year, I am in hopes of being intentional and organized in the way that volunteers are managed and implemented, as your time is so very valuable and important to us. Below, please let me know if you are able to volunteer with the school, and what your preferential work would be (please check more than one if that suits you).

   (Volunteer’s Name(s))

   (Child’s Name)

I am interested in volunteering in the following way(s) (please check all that apply) -

            Reading with Students
Working in the Classroom with Students (art projects, science, in-school field trips, etc.)
            Busy Work (cutting, gluing, preparing, photocopying, etc.)
            Field Trips (outside of school)
            Community Walks (outside of school)
            Assisting with Scholastic book orders

Would you prefer a set
schedule or day(s)?
If so, which day(s) work best with your schedule: ______________________________________________________________

Thank you for taking the time to fill this out. Please send it back in your child’s folder at your earliest convenience.

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...