Yesterday we had the opportunity to visit the Glenbow museum. Students took part in two programs. In the morning we worked with Amanda who lead us through some of the galleries. We explored how to look closely with our eyes, how to use our hands to sketch what we saw and how to use our bodies to interpret the art and artifacts. In the afternoon we worked with Sheldon who shared with us some of the stories that the symbols on Blackfoot tipis tell us. He also shared some of his and his father's stories, how the buffalo was so important to their survival and how they came by the name Blackfoot people.
1) Book Truck: Students will have the opportunity to return books on Wednesday Nov 29th if they still have some out. This is not our day to take books out.
2) Charlotte's Web: is Dec 7th. Please make sure you have paid online and returned your form. Thank you for your continued support.
Stephen's Backpacks

Stephen’s Backpacks
Dream Out Loud
Royal Oak Students are supporting Stephen’s Backpacks this
holiday season. Stephen’s Backpacks Society for Children in Need is an
organization that was started in Airdrie by a young boy who thought it wasn’t
fair that he received so much for Christmas when other children didn’t even
have a bed to sleep in.
This Friday, November 24th at 10:00
A.M. Nancy McPhee, Stephen’s Mom will be joining us for a special assembly.
All parents are invited to attend.
The backpacks this year are for children who range in age
from infant to grade 3. We are
looking for donations of new items
that can go inside of a backpack.
What could go in a backpack?
Child Backpack (4-9 years old):
Waterproof gloves/mittens, toque, scarf, blanket, socks
Book or
coloring book, appropriate school supplies
appropriate toy (train, action figure, etc.)
kit- (includes shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste)
Candy or
candy bag
items, shoes/boots
Baby Backpack:
· Waterproof gloves/mittens,
toque, scarf, blanket, socks, toy, teething ring
· Baby formula, bottle
· Baby wipes, diapers, baby soap, baby shampoo, baby
· Clothing items
These items can be brought to school with your child and
they will be placed under the tree in the gathering space. We will be accepting
donations until Wednesday, December 6th.
Thanking you in advance for your generosity.
Link to Stephen’s Backpacks for additional information: Stephen's Backpacks
November 21
Yesterday we posted a video into IRIS explaining our zoo problem. Please check to see how your child explained their work. You could also leave a comment.
Today in math students worked at creating a variety of patterns. We will continue examining patterns for the next little while.
In literacy we are writing personal narratives focussing on sounding out our words, writing complete sentences and adding details to bring our stories to life.
Upcoming date:
Monday, November 27 - Field trip to the Glenbow Museum. Thank you to our parent volunteers. We could not provide off site learning opportunities without your support.
Today in math students worked at creating a variety of patterns. We will continue examining patterns for the next little while.
In literacy we are writing personal narratives focussing on sounding out our words, writing complete sentences and adding details to bring our stories to life.
Upcoming date:
Monday, November 27 - Field trip to the Glenbow Museum. Thank you to our parent volunteers. We could not provide off site learning opportunities without your support.
Spirit Wear
A note from the ROS Fundraising Society:
Spirit wear that was pre-ordered will be in the school in early December.
Any further questions can be directed to
Volunteers needed!!
I am still in need of one volunteer to accompany us on our field trip next Monday to the Glenbow Museum. If you are able to help out please contact me. If we do not have enough volunteers to maintain ratio the field trip will unfortunately be cancelled.
Invitation from WD Pratt - Movie Night
Invitation from WD Pratt:
WDPratt’s GSA is presenting the movie, The Polar Express on Wednesday December 13. Our Gender & Sexuality Alliance is using this event as a fund raiser to purchase a button maker for the school. We would like to invite families to join us for a movie and a bake sale. As well, there will be “craft tables” available for “purchase” for adults or students to sell crafty things (artwork, jewellery, soap, etc). This will be a perfect opportunity to buy stocking stuffers or other items for the holidays, however you celebrate them. This is a great opportunity to build community spirit and awareness of diversity issues and equal rights. Everyone is welcome. It will be a bring your own pillow and blanket event. Donations will be gratefully accepted at the door for the movie and proceeds from the bake sale will be going towards the purchase of the button maker and supplies for future use. We are very excited to have the opportunity to create new relationships and build community with you.
WDPratt’s GSA is presenting the movie, The Polar Express on Wednesday December 13. Our Gender & Sexuality Alliance is using this event as a fund raiser to purchase a button maker for the school. We would like to invite families to join us for a movie and a bake sale. As well, there will be “craft tables” available for “purchase” for adults or students to sell crafty things (artwork, jewellery, soap, etc). This will be a perfect opportunity to buy stocking stuffers or other items for the holidays, however you celebrate them. This is a great opportunity to build community spirit and awareness of diversity issues and equal rights. Everyone is welcome. It will be a bring your own pillow and blanket event. Donations will be gratefully accepted at the door for the movie and proceeds from the bake sale will be going towards the purchase of the button maker and supplies for future use. We are very excited to have the opportunity to create new relationships and build community with you.
November 14
Dream Out Loud
Stephen’s Backpacks

The backpacks this year are for children who range in age from infant to grade 3. We are looking for donations of new items that can go inside of a backpack (toques, mitts, puzzles, pyjamas, socks, baby items, shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.). These items can be brought to school with your child and they will be placed under the tree in the gathering space.
We will begin collecting items in the gathering space beginning on Monday, November 13th and will be accepting donations until Wednesday, December 6th.
1) Book Truck: is coming to ROS tomorrow. Our class is scheduled to visit in the morning and have the opportunity to take out books. If you have not already done so please send in your child's CPL card number. They will not be able to take out books without it!
2) Glenbow field trip: Please ensure that you have returned the form and pay online by Nov 15th.
3) Conferences: please ensure that you have signed up for a conference time and have returned the blue form.
2) Glenbow field trip: Please ensure that you have returned the form and pay online by Nov 15th.
3) Conferences: please ensure that you have signed up for a conference time and have returned the blue form.
$) ATP charlotte's web field trip forms: These forms will be coming home tomorrow. Please fill out the form and pay online by Nov 20th. We will be attending the play on December 7. I will need two volunteers with current security clearance to join us to assist with supervision. Due to the nature of the field trip and ATP tickets I only have room for two volunteers on this trip. As always volunteers must have current security clearance.
Yesterday, Canadian author Andrea Lynn Beck joined us to read from one of her books, share with us how a book is written, illustrated and published and how her imagination leads to a story. She also showed us how all of her drawings start off as basic shapes. Each student was given a copy of Good Morning Canada as this was the book chosen for the TD Grade One Book Giveaway, a program of The Canadian Children's Book Centre to promote reading.
Today students worked with their sense of hearing to identify a variety of items placed in shakers. This proved to be quite challenging as many items sounded very similar when shaken.
Book Truck Wednesday!
Reminder: We will be visiting the CPL book truck on Wednesday morning. If you have not yet sent in your child's Calgary Public Library card number please do so before then so that they may take out a book from the book truck.
Circle of Courage Presentations
One student will be chosen each week to present on the circle of courage. The selected student will receive a letter home that details what is expected in their presentation. We are looking forward to learning more about each other and how we relate in the 4 quadrants of the circle of courage. See below for the details of the circle of courage:
The Circle of Courage student will be announced once a week. The student will have until their presentation date to collect the following items to share with the class. Students will present on either Monday or Wednesday depending on the week. I will let students know their presentation dates as they are chosen each week.
An artifact your child is proud of and demonstrates independence. i.e. piece of art, writing, project, or video of dance
An artifact that demonstrates a skill or activity your child has mastered. i.e. medals, awards, and certificates
Photograph (no more than 3) that shows belonging along with some of the traditions you have as a family. i.e. Family photo, playing with others, family vacation, holiday traditions, cultural traditions, sports team, class photo.
Family Letter: Family members will be responsible for writing a letter to the class telling us how special your child is to you. Send the letter in a sealed envelope to the school with your child for their presentation date. I will read the letter to the class during our circle meetings when your child is presenting their artifacts. The content of the letter is up to you, but you may wish to choose from one of the following ideas: Describe special or funny stories about your child for the class to hear, tell us some interesting facts (no more then 3) we may not know about your child, send silly or special pictures with a letter describing the picture, or write a short story with your child as the main character. You may also send a video for the class to watch if you choose.
After your child has had the opportunity to share, his or her classmates will recognize your child as our Circle of Courage student of the day by writing about how they see your child demonstrating one of the four quadrants on the Circle of Courage. We appreciate your participation in our Circle of Courage Spotlight and look forward to getting to know your child better and build a caring classroom community!
As a part of our inquiry into how communities change over time we began by examining two photos taken from approximately the same location and noting what was the same and what was different in the two pictures. Many students were surprised to learn that both of these pictures were of Calgary's downtown core. This lead to a discussion about why buildings have increased in height, why there are more buildings, why is one picture in black and white?

We next looked at the book Window. This is a wordless book that shows how a community changes and grows over time. Is this change good or not? Students brought up the issues regarding the wetlands area in Royal Oak and the changes noticed there. We discussed how animals were being forced out as areas were cleared to make room for more houses. Students were intrigued by the various arguments raised by other students for and against development. We will be looking into this topic more deeply as we continue our learnings around the history and development of Calgary.
1) Photo re-take day: Nov 8th.
2) Remembrance Day Assembly: Nov 10th
3) Glenbow Museum field trip forms: Please fill out the forms and return by Nov 15th. Thank you. Field trip will take place on November 27.
4) Glenbow Museum field trip Volunteers: If you are able to volunteer for the field trip and have your volunteer clearance please email me at Depending on how many people are available I may draw names to determine who can attend the field trip with us. Thank you for your continued support. We would not be able to provide off site learning opportunities without you.
5) ATP field trip to Charlotte's Web: December 7
Forms for this field trip will be coming home next week. I will require two volunteers for this trip. Please let me know if you are able to join us.
November 5
Please look in Iris as we have posted our October writing samples. You can access IRIS from the Royal Oak school website. We have been looking closely at our writing as we begin to set personal writing goals. Students worked in groups to become familiar with the classroom rubric and examined writing exemplars as they discussed how they would evaluate writing samples. There was some lively classroom discussion as students questioned and defended their choices. Next week students will be evaluating their own writing in terms of the November rubric and setting personal writing goals based on individual areas for growth. For example, some students may choose to focus on sounding our the words that they write. Others will focus on using finger spaces between words, or writing complete sentences. Still others may choose to focus on adding details to their writing. Once students have selected a writing goal we will then brainstorm strategies they could use to help them reach their goal.
Forms sent home:
1. Conference questionnaire: Please fill out both sides and return before November 10.
2. Raz Kids: Information on how to access from home as well as some information regarding levels and how they differ from the home reading books especially at the hight levels.
Upcoming field trips and volunteers opportunities:
1. Our class will be travelling to the Glenbow Museum on November 27 to participate in "Tipis, Tales, Teachings" and "Discovery Adventures." Forms for this trip will be coming home next week. I will require 2-3 volunteers to assist with supervision. Volunteers must have current security clearance.
2. The grade one classes will be attending ATP's performance of "Charlotte's Web" on December 7. Volunteers from each class will be needed in order to maintain ratio for supervision. Our class will need 1-2 volunteers for this activity. Again, volunteers must have current security clearance.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Forms sent home:
1. Conference questionnaire: Please fill out both sides and return before November 10.
2. Raz Kids: Information on how to access from home as well as some information regarding levels and how they differ from the home reading books especially at the hight levels.
Upcoming field trips and volunteers opportunities:
1. Our class will be travelling to the Glenbow Museum on November 27 to participate in "Tipis, Tales, Teachings" and "Discovery Adventures." Forms for this trip will be coming home next week. I will require 2-3 volunteers to assist with supervision. Volunteers must have current security clearance.
2. The grade one classes will be attending ATP's performance of "Charlotte's Web" on December 7. Volunteers from each class will be needed in order to maintain ratio for supervision. Our class will need 1-2 volunteers for this activity. Again, volunteers must have current security clearance.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Naturalization Meeting Tonight
Just a reminder!
Naturalization Project
If you are interested in assisting with the Naturalization project for Royal Oak school there will be an informational meeting on November 2 at 7:00 pm at the school.
Naturalization Project
If you are interested in assisting with the Naturalization project for Royal Oak school there will be an informational meeting on November 2 at 7:00 pm at the school.
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Thank you!
As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you for welcoming me into your school community. I have thor...