Hello Parents!We have had a very busy December so far! The students enjoyed the Charlotte's Web performance on Thursday very much and we have been discussing how the play compares to the book and what our favourite parts have been.
Yesterday we learned 2 new math games. One is called "Shape Fill" and the other game is called "Making 10 Memory." In both games students are working on using their mental math skills to quickly add sums.
We've also adjusted our groupings for literacy centres this week. Ask your child what group they are in and what they are working on.
In writing, students are working on their individual goals focusing on sounding out their words, writing in complete sentences, paying attention to capitalization and punctuation and ensuring their sentences make sense. We are reading seasonal books each day and using these as mentor texts for our writing prompts. Yesterday, we read "Snowmen at Night" and then wrote about what we would do if we were snowmen. In the afternoon we worked with a new medium, chalk pastels, to illustrate our writing. We learned how to add shadows and depth to our drawings by shading and blending.
Important dates:
Wednesday, December 13 - The CPL book truck will be here. We are not scheduled on this date but can return library books to the truck.
Tuesday, December 19 - Report Cards sent home.
Thursday, December 21 - Last day of classes before winter break.