January 31

We are starting our wrestling unit in gym.  For all students safety all bracelets, watches, necklaces, hoodies will need to be taken off.  Please ensure that these items are not worn to school or can be removed an placed in the students' backpacks for the duration of gym.

Today we posted a math investigation on IRIS. Take some time to watch the video and write back to your child. We were working very hard at organizing our work to prove how many ways there are to make 10.

 Valentine's day: For Valentine's day students will be participating in a kindness art project where students will have the opportunity to write positive notes on a piece of art to their classmates. This activity is being done in lieu of handing out valentines to assist in reducing waste and use Valentine's Day as a teachable moment to deepen students understanding around kindness,  caring and creating a positive classroom environment.    Please do not send commercial valentines.  Thank you for your cooperation.

January 30

We are continuing to work on writing our fairy tales.  All of our planning is complete and now we are starting to put the pieces together.  I'm looking forward to reading their completed stories.

In Inquiry we are looking more closely at the "Helpers" in our community and how they work to meet our needs.

As the weather is turning colder once again please make sure your children are dress for the weather. We do spend time outside everyday!!

Toys, Watches and others distractions

We are asking everyone to be thoughtful about the items in students’ backpacks. We all know that toys should not be brought into school, but also items that can become a distraction or reason for disagreements. For example, lately we noticed a few students sharing marbles, small toys, bracelets, lip balm, necklaces and others items. First, lost or broken items result in very sad feelings. Second, it can result in discussions about the ownership of such items. Finally, it take away the attention and focus they should be directing to their learning.

Our classrooms are filled with items to keep us busy. Therefore, toys, watches, bracelets, ‘special’ notepads or pens, electronics, cards, and others objects should stay at home. Special items may be brought to share during Circle of Courage, but they must be kept in a safe place until the end of the day!

Once again, the reason this has always been a school policy is that it causes problems when things get lost, broken, cause disagreements and become a distraction.

****Home Reading****
Please send back clear home reading book bags every Tuesday and Thursday to get your new books! The volunteers exchange the books in the morning so it is important that students hand them in first thing when they arrive.

Upcoming Dates:

1) One World Drumming: is starting next week from February 5th-9th.  We will be having a sharing time for parents to see what we have learned on Friday, February 9 from 11:30 - 12:05.  Please join us in the music room if you are free at that time.  

2) Book Truck: for returning books only is Feb 7th.  Our next scheduled visit time is on February 21.  

3) Class Picture day: Feb 8th.  
4) Snack Day - February 14 - Notices were sent home last week for all upcoming snack and fun lunch days.
5) Teachers Convention - Feb. 15 and Feb. 16 Non-Instructional Day. No school for students

January 29

Today we wrote a descriptive paragraph using a picture prompt and posted this on Iris as our January writing sample.  We also each posted a comment on what we thought we did well at on this task.   Take some time and log on to take a look at your child's writing sample. Perhaps you can make a writing goal with your child and post it as well.  
Up coming events:

1) One World Drumming: is starting next week from February 5th-9th.  We will be having a sharing time for parents to see what we have learned on Friday, February 9 from 11:30 - 12:05.  Please join us in the music room if you are free at that time.  

2) Book Truck: for returning books only is Feb 7th.  Our next scheduled visit time is on February 21.  

3) Class Picture day: Feb 8th.  

Tuesday, January 24

Today Ms. Sparks read Koala Lou to all the Grade 1 classes. Ask me about whether I liked the book and why.

Home Reading - Why it is SO important.
In addition, grade one is a critical year where students are "cracking" the code.  They begin to read independently and internalize the phonics rules of English so they can then focus more on comprehension strategies such as making connections, inferences, predicting and interacting with the text on a deeper level.  
Reading at home makes a HUGE difference!

1) No school on Friday due to a Professional Development day.
2)  Wear your pyjamas to school tomorrow and remember to bring your favourite book!
3) Online Scholastic book orders due January 30.  Please see previous blog post regarding how to order online.

Scholastic Book Orders Are Now Online

Dear Families,
Scholastic book orders are now available online!  You can now view, order and pay for books online.  

This month’s Scholastic Reading Club flyers are now available online.   Please take a few moments to explore the selection together and let your child help choose books he or she is excited to read. When children choose their own books to read for pleasure, they enjoy reading more and spend more time doing it!
Scholastic Reading Club flyers are made for you and your child to shop for books your child will love to read. Each month, the flyers are filled with trusted, excellent quality children’s books that are just right for your child’s reading level and interests.
Plus your order helps our classroom earn FREE books and resources!

Once you’ve made your selections, you can order online:
  1. Submit your order and pay by credit card online at www.scholastic.ca/canadaclubs Your online order will be sent to me automatically. 
Please submit your January/ February order by January 30.  

Thank you for supporting your child’s reading success both at home and in the classroom! 

Mrs Cook
PS: Please let me know if your order includes a gift for your child, and I will contact you when it arrives!

For instructions on how to set up you account:


Week of January 15-19

This week we are exploring Friendly Numbers in Math. These are very important addition sentences to learn as they can help us add larger numbers. We are  learning that you can flip flop an addition sentence to create another addition sentence and that the order of the numbers does not change the answer.  You can help your child learn these addition sentences so that he/she can recall them quickly. Challenge: What are the friendly numbers/addition sentences for ____? Insert a larger number such as 20 or 15.

We have continued our investigation into urban, suburban and rural communities. We read 'Town Mouse, Country Mouse' by Jan Brett and ‘Country Kid, City Kid’ by Julie Cummins. Students discussed the difference between the mice and how they live in each community. They then chose which one they would choose to be and had to explain why.  We then discussed the pros and cons of living in an urban and suburban community and we had a class debate! The students did a great job coming up with strong arguments and supporting details why they would want to live in one of the communities.
They then had to create a poster advertising the benefits of living in an urban, rural or suburban community. The poster must include a title, a slogan, and pictures or graphics that explain the benefits in living in their choice of community.  Look for these to be uploaded into IRIS in the next week or so.  

'Town Mouse, Country Mouse'

'Country Kid, City Kid’

1. Gymnastics Unit: please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Please refer to previous post for more information.

2. Literacy Night: Thursday Jan 18th from 6:30-7:30. We would love to see you all there. Please refer to previous post for more information.

3. Literacy Week:
Next week we are celebrating Literacy Week with a variety of activities.

Monday Jan. 22 - Kick off assembly in the gym.  
Please wear Royal Oak Blue.  Book Tour Walk - Teachers will be sharing their favourite books in a display format.  

Tuesday, Jan. 23 - Guest Reader Day 
Ms. Sparks and Ms. Bradbury will be reading to different classes.

Wednesday, Jan. 24 - Buddy Reading Day
Buddy classes will be sharing and reading books together.  Teachers will also be reading aloud their favourite books.  

Thursday, Jan. 25 - Pajama, Stuffy and Favourite Book Day
Please wear your pyjamas and bring your favourite book from home.  We will be sharing these with our classmates and buddies.

Friday, Jan. 26 - No School
This is a system wide professional development day.  There will be no class for students.  

Jan 11

Today in Inquiry we read the book Town Mouse Country Mouse by Jan Brett. Following the book we discussed the pros and cons of living in the town or in the country and had to debate to try and convince our classmates to either live in the town or the country. Over the weekend students have been tasked with thinking about where they would prefer to live and why. They have been encouraged to speak with their parents about the pros and cons to living in the city or country.

1) Gymnastics Unit:

Dear Parents
We have started our gymnastics unit in our regularly scheduled Physical Education classes. This unit will run until the end of January. Safety procedures are being carefully covered with each class. While students in elementary school are not expected to change their clothing for gym, I do talk to them about being dressed in preparation to participate. Please consider the following when sending your child to school: 
• Clothing that allows freedom of movement (no special uniforms or outfits are required – sweats and a t-shirt work best). 
• Loose fitting/baggy clothing may get caught on equipment when climbing. 
• Tucking shirts in may help to prevent an accident. 
• All jewelry that could get caught on equipment should be removed (left in classrooms or left at home). e.g. watches, rings, necklaces, etc... 
• Students with long hair should have their hair tied back. Tying hair back with elastics is recommended. 
• Students may wear shorts under clothing if they wish. 
• Students will participate in bare feet unless there is a medical reason (warts). 
Please be aware that students have Phys. Ed class each day. Students will be reminded that they must remain very quiet while participating on the climbing equipment. Sudden noises could startle a student using the equipment and result in a fall. 
Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Thank you in advance for your understanding in helping to ensure the safety of our students. 

Helen Hennick

2) Literacy Night: 

Royal Oak School is pleased to be hosting a ‘Literacy Night’ on Thursday, January 18th from 6:30-7:30pm. During this evening we will be exploring “Literacy in Your Life”, where you will be able to participate in and incorporate new and exciting literacy activities into your daily lives as a family.

To begin the evening we will have a quick stand-up assembly followed by a variety of sessions hosted by our teachers in different classrooms around the school. Resources and suggestions for each activity will be provided at each session. The Calgary Public Library and Calgary Reads will also be joining us this evening in the Gathering Space.

We look forward to spending a joyful and engaging evening of literacy with you and your families!


The ROS Literacy Committee and ROS Staff


Dear Parents
We have started our gymnastics unit in our regularly scheduled Physical Education classes. This unit will run until the end of January. Safety procedures are being carefully covered with each class. While students in elementary school are not expected to change their clothing for gym, I do talk to them about being dressed in preparation to participate. Please consider the following when sending your child to school: 
• Clothing that allows freedom of movement (no special uniforms or outfits are required – sweats and a t-shirt work best). 
• Loose fitting/baggy clothing may get caught on equipment when climbing. 
• Tucking shirts in may help to prevent an accident. 
• All jewelry that could get caught on equipment should be removed (left in classrooms or left at home). e.g. watches, rings, necklaces, etc... 
• Students with long hair should have their hair tied back. Tying hair back with elastics is recommended. 
• Students may wear shorts under clothing if they wish. 
• Students will participate in bare feet unless there is a medical reason (warts). 
Please be aware that students have Phys. Ed class each day. Students will be reminded that they must remain very quiet while participating on the climbing equipment. Sudden noises could startle a student using the equipment and result in a fall. 
Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Thank you in advance for your understanding in helping to ensure the safety of our students. 

Helen Hennick

Helen Hennick
Physical Education Specialist, Royal Oak School
Calgary Board of Education
t 403-777-6279 ext 7237

"Physical Education is the only subject which, by the very nature of its content, has the potential to affect how a person will feel every moment of every day for the rest of his or her life."

Literacy Night - January 18

Royal Oak School is pleased to be hosting a ‘Literacy Night’ on Thursday, January 18th from 6:30-7:30pm. During this evening we will be exploring “Literacy in Your Life”, where you will be able to participate in and incorporate new and exciting literacy activities into your daily lives as a family.

To begin the evening we will have a quick stand-up assembly followed by a variety of sessions hosted by our teachers in different classrooms around the school. Resources and suggestions for each activity will be provided at each session. The Calgary Public Library and Calgary Reads will also be joining us this evening in the Gathering Space.

We look forward to spending a joyful and engaging evening of literacy with you and your families!


The ROS Literacy Committee and ROS Staff

January 8

Welcome back! We had an excellent first day back after the break. We started a new schedule and now have music and gym in the afternoon instead of the morning.
In writing, we are journaling about what we did over the winter break. 
In math we are starting to learning about subitizing which is recognizing the amount of something  right away. Below is a video to help us with our subitizing. 

Then in the afternoon we examined several pictures that depicted farm land as well as very busy cities and recorded what we saw, thought, and wondered. Tomorrow we are going to be learning about the difference between urban and rural communities.

1. Book Truck: The book Truck will be coming to ROS on January 10th and 24th. If students have books they need to return they may bring them on these days to return. Students will not be taking any books out.

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...