Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my first year at Royal Oak School.  Thank you for supporting your children and their learning through at home activities, reading, volunteering and supporting our classroom.  Thank you for entrusting your most precious, valuable children into my care.  I hope that they leave grade one with curiosity, a sense of wonder and pride in their amazing accomplishments.  It has been a joy to watch them grow over the course of the year.
Have a wonderful summer break filled with love, laughter, adventure and quiet family moments.
See you in September.  I look forward to hearing all about your travels and fun times together.

Mrs. Cook

Physical Education -Thursday and Friday

Physical Education
Students have been working very hard this week to master the obstacle courses in Mission Impossible. On Thursday and Friday we will be dimming the lights in the gym to add excitement and more of a challenge. Students will be allowed to use a flashlight or headlamp if they would like to. If you choose to bring in a light please ensure that it is clearly labelled with their name.

Helen Hennick
Physical Education Specialist, Royal Oak School
Calgary Board of Education
t 403-777-6279 ext 7237

June 20

June 20

Yesterday students had an opportunity to re-visit the kindergarten classrooms while the kindergarten students had a short introduction to Grade 1.  We are in the process of writing booklets to the kindergarten students to let them know what to expect in Grade 1.  

We are finishing up building animal habitats for the animal your child has been researching.  Look for these to come home at the end of the week.

We will be starting to send home student work.  As there is quite a volume of work that is also of various sizes we are asking students to bring in a reusable bag in which to carry the work that will not fit in their backpacks.  Please send in by Friday, June 22.  Students can keep these on their coat hooks until needed.  

Upcoming events

June 26th - School BQQ - this the the last fun lunch of the year.  Instructions were posted previously to pre-order.  If you have questions or concerns please email

June 27th - last day of school for students

Volunteer Request From Technology Committee

Dear Volunteers,
We are in need of some awesome volunteers to help with cleaning our technology before we put it away for the summer.  If you have anytime this Thursday afternoon or Friday morning please let your classroom teacher know so that we can have enough cloths to wipe everything down.
Thank you,
The Technology Committee

Week of June 11 - 15

On Tuesday, we had our last field trip of the year to the Calgary Zoo.  Students had the opportunity to learn more about bears in Canada.  They also viewed a variety of different animals in their zoo habitats.

If your family will be away the last day of school, please provide the school with a legal sized envelope with your home address and make sure it contains proper postage for your child’s report card to be mailed out. Report cards will not be able to go home early.

All books from the Royal Oak Learning Commons should now be returned.  If you still have books at home please send them back to the school.

I am still in need of a parent volunteer to assist with sanitizing our manipulative.  If you are available to help out one day next week please contact me.

Important Dates:

Tuesday, June 26 - Fun Lunch BBQ.  A note was sent home on how to order for this earlier this week.

Wednesday, June 27 - Last day of school for students.  


Thanks to Ms. Hennick, Ms. Plaxin, Ms. Quesnel and all the parent volunteers.  The last day of BOKS will be on Thursday, June 14.

Zoo Field Trip - Tuesday June 12

We have our final field trip of the year planned for next Tuesday, June 12.  We will be travelling by chartered bus to the Calgary Zoo.  While at the zoo students will participate in a program called Bear Necessities.  They will also have the opportunity to view the panda exhibit as well as observing other animals that reside at the zoo.

We will be having a picnic lunch at the zoo.  Students are required to bring snacks, lunch and a water bottle.  They will be carrying these throughout the day in their backpacks.

Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather on that day as this trip proceeds rain or shine.  They will need to wear good walking shoes as we will be spending the majority of the day walking through the zoo grounds.

We ask that students arrive at school by 9:00 on Tuesday.  We will be entering the school early that day so that we may take attendance and board the bus for a 9:15 departure.

As per CBE regulations:
As this is a school field trip, parents and/or siblings other than those who have officially volunteered are not permitted.

Volunteers and students are also not to buy food or drinks while at the zoo.

Thank you for assisting us in following the CBE regulations for field trips so that we can continue to provide educational opportunities outside of the school building.

Volunteer needed - June 20

On Wednesday, June 20 I am in need of one volunteer in the afternoon to assist us in washing the math manipulatives.  This would consist of running them through the dishwasher, drying on towels and resorting back into bins.  If you are available to help in this manner please sing up by following the link below. 

Bike to School Day Tomorrow - Tuesday, June 5

ROS students are encouraged to participate in Bike to School Day tomorrow! Please check your son or daughter's back pack for their Bike Tag and a letter filled with important information about the event. 

Thank you!

As the school year draws to a close I just wanted to say thank you!  Thank you for welcoming me into your school community.  I have thor...